
The Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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The world became significantly worse but had a few improvements still benefiting us to this day such as the telephone, the lightbulb, the railroad, and the x-ray.

Although many inventions created from 1500-1600 in the Industrial Revolution have since improved and are still benefiting society globally, there were many acts of classism and discrimination at the same time committed by not only Europe but other countries too at the same time.

To start, the industrial revolution was the start of production using machines powered by steam and coal in the mid-1700s in Britain. Before the industrial revolution, most goods were made by hand at home and were typically only sold to neighbors. This was called the cottage industry. Later on, the factory system was present where factories produced goods with the assistance of machines. Machines were powered by steam and later on coal, which caused air pollution as the residue of the burning material would lay over the colonies. This occurred in Great Britain because coal was …show more content…

While factories were beginning to pollute the environment, inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Wilhelm Roentgen created inventions that still help people to this day. Since their creations, they have been improved. In 1876, the telephone was created by Alexander Graham Bell. In 1879 Thomas Edison created the light bulb, which made work during the night possible. Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895 invented the first x-ray, making surgery easier as doctors knew prior what needed assistance. Another invention still being used to this day would be the railroad system. The invention of the railroad allowed goods, people, and raw materials much faster all at once. Within 22 years, the number of railroads had gone from 100 miles to 6,600 miles. Many inventions that came from the industrial revolution helped people work more

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