The Purpose Of A Survey Of Non-Western Muslim

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Survey research is a frequently applied method of gathering information about a population of interest, it is a useful strategy because it has the ability to reach a wide range of population (Mertens, 2015, p182). There are various types of survey, several ways to administer them, and numerous approaches of sampling. The backbone in constructing a valuable survey questionnaire is to keep in your mind the purpose and the objectives of the study. Based on this assumption, the purpose of this survey is to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the reluctance of non-western Muslim from engaging in therapeutic relationship. What could exemplify the antipathy for this kind of services, is it the umbrella of religion, culture, or tradition, or an …show more content…

The simple descriptive approach with “the purpose of describing the characteristics of a sample at one point in the time” (Mertens, 2015, p. 185) is the most appropriate. The drive behind using this type of research is to define the opinion, attitude, and the behaviors held by a group of people on a given subject. In term of data collection, questionnaire is a suitable way to conduct this survey, it can be sent to a large number of people, saves time, and money and its effective (Mertens, 2015, p. 187). However, while performing the sampling procedure, I found that same package of the mailing questionnaire if I handle it personally to the participant it may be helpful. Respondents that I identify them as a non-western Muslims people who come to the United States of America from different background, but the religion gather them in holly places, this is where am going to target them in their communities and organization. A purposeful sampling will give a sufficient number of participants to the survey. The optimum of some sampling designs, going to be favorable, such as convenience sampling referring to a strategy that uses the most easily accessible people to participate in a study and snowball sampling which participants give the researcher referrals to other individuals who fit the study criteria (Mertens, 2015). Snowball samples are usually used to investigate groups that have some unique, rare, or unusual quality and groups in which members know each other through an organization or common experience. Am aware that snowball samples cannot be generalized to the population because they are not selected randomly, but the aim of the survey is to prepare a background for further researches. Sometimes incentives (e.g., alms/ offering to the community centers

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