The Rain Figurative Language

475 Words2 Pages
The use of figurative language and imagery impacted the story because of how it helped the readers understand and visualize what was going on as if they were there in those moments. The beginning of the passage is very well written and uses imagery and similies. In paragraph 1 it states "The leaves of bird-filled trees stirred a warm breeze and liutter scuttled out of the way. Our orange cats looked on from the fence, their tails up like antennas." This is a great example of a similie being used to describe the surroundings. These sentences impacted the way I feltr about the story by helping me really picture what the setting is and how uit looks like. It was able to have me feel like I was there, and that I could be able to look around and see everything that was being described in detail. The way that the author explained how upright the cats' tails were also helped and gave it such a wonderful tone. In paragraph 3 when the author explained what the mom had told her child about the rainbows it was really nice since the reader knows that this is something that a mother would say to their young child and it brings in a bit of sweetness. Towards the very end of the passage, when the child pretends to be alright when they were hurt was amazing because it is something a kid would do.