The Ransom Note: The Murder Of Patsy Ramsey

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The ransom note is the key piece of evidence, and is believed to have been written by the girl’s mother. Mrs. Ramsay reported to the police she found the note on the stairway, which led to the discovery that JonBenet was missing from her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey submitted handwriting samples. An examination of Patsy’s notebook exposed the killer used her pad and pen to write the note. Also the writing patterns matched those of Patsy Ramsey. John Ramsey was ruled out as the writer of the note but the police could not eliminate Patsy Ramsey as the writer nor say definitively that she was.
Critic’s theory is after Patsy and John returned home from a social event on Christmas day. Patsy checked on JonBenet and saw she had wet the bed the