The Raven Short Story

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There was once upon a time a queen, who had a little daughter that was so young, she needed to be carried. One day, the young girl was noisy and no matter what the queen attempted, she just wouldn’t be quiet. And so, the queen said as she grew impatient and as ravens flew by, with an open window, “I wish you were a raven and would fly away, and then I could have some rest!” As she said this, the child was changed into a raven, flew out of the window, and into the dark forest, where the parents hadn’t heard anything form her for a long time. Then, one day, a man was on his way through the forest when he heard the raven crying. He followed the voice and when he came nearer, the raven said, “I am the king’s daughter by birth, and I’m cursed. But, you can set me free.” He asked what he could do and she said, “Go deeper into the forest and you will find a house, within it, a middle aged women who will offer you meat and drink. You can accept nothing. For if you do, you will fall into a deep sleep and will not be able to save me”. She stated that he was to wait in the garden on a great heap …show more content…

He said, “she has certainly driven by, and I have not set her free.” Then he saw the things which were lying beside him, and read the letter in which stated all he would do if he still wanted to save her. So he got up, and began traveling, intending to go to the golden castle of Stromberg. He did not know where it was, but kept walking. After he had walked around the world for a long time, he entered into a dark forest. He walked for fourteen days, and still couldn’t find his way out. Then, it was once again evening and he was so tired that he lay down in a flied and fell asleep. The next day, he went onwards. In the evening, as he was again about to lie down beneath some bushes, he heard howling and crying and was unable to fall asleep. And at the break of dawn, he saw a candle glimmering, and arose and went towards