The Refugee Crisis Isn T American Problem

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The article “The refugee crisis isn’t a ‘European Problem’” was publish in the New York Times on the 7th September 2025, by Micheal Ignatieff. The striking headline caught my eye whilst scrolling through the world latest news and made me think about the current global situation. Whose problem was the refugee crisis? Who is involved in the crisis? Whose fault is the crisis?
The main idea of the article Micheal Ignatieff is portraying is in the headline, Micheal is expressing his opinion on the refugee crisis and saying it isn’t a European problem. In the article Micheal argues about how Europe is the only major contribute in homing refugees, through the use of statistics and comparison. Another argument Micheal portrays is how neighbouring country’s …show more content…

The emphasis on answering his own questions allows the reader to think about the question but is limited as Micheal answers them straight away. This allows Micheal to drive his opinion to the reader. This device is demonstrated towards the beginning of the article to catch the reader’s opinion right from the beginning and to further convince them throughout the article. The device is portrayed when Micheal is discussing how none of the neighbouring countries the refugees come from are accepting them. “How many refugees have the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia taken in? Zero.” The statement also emphasis how the problem isn’t a European problem and even neighbouring countries aren’t willing to accept the refugees. This allows the reader to further think about Michael’s main idea of the article “ The refugee crisis isn’t a ‘ European problem” but an international problem. Micheal also expresses a positive sympathetic view for Europe helping the refugees “ Many of them have been funnelling arms into Syria for years, and what have the done to give new home to the four million people trying flee? Nothing.” This portrays a negative connotation towards the neighbouring countries and portrays a sympathetic connotation towards Europe as the have helped the refugees even though the problem wasn’t