The Rights Of Women In The Early 1900's

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Feminism, the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men, is a controversial topic that is widely discussed in society today. Women are constantly fighting for their rights, but are their efforts are sometimes thought to be jokes and not taken seriously very often. Many questions are raised as to what women are really fighting for. While there might not be one specific answer to these questions, there are many possible thoughts as to how these perceptions of women came about today. The discussion of the rights of women began only a few short years ago. Since the discussion was brought up, women have been adamant about fighting for gender equality in all aspects of their lives. This differs …show more content…

She's here as someone's keeper — her husband's or her children's" (Coontz). This quote was said by a woman in her early twenties back in the 1960s. This quote is a perfect example of how women were expected to see themselves. This is also an example of gender inequality. Women in the early 1900s were seen as the submissive housewife with none of the same rights that men had. Women were typically expected to stay at home and take care of the house, the children, and the husband. The jobs that women were allowed to have were scarce. “The 38 percent of American women who worked in 1960 were largely limited to jobs as teacher, nurse, or secretary” (100 Years of Consumer Spending). These jobs were typically free of any hard labor, making women seem like the weak and innocent gender. Men, however, were the ones that were expected to go out and have more demanding jobs physically and to make the family’s income. Women were not typically seen doing any of the jobs that men were doing because it was frowned upon in …show more content…

There are gender roles in the United States that people tend to go by. The males are generally known for their strength, aggression, and dominance. Men are also the ones that have the high powered jobs, and make the main source income for the house hold. Where as the females in society are typically seen as passive, nurturing, and gentler. Women are the ones that are supposed to stay home and take care of the children, as well as cook and clean. Women are stereotyped as the “typical housewife.” Some people still see to these gender roles, where as others generally disregard it because of the evolution of the way each gender is fighting to be seen in todays

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