The Road Not Taken Figurative Language

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Imagine it, you are travelling in the woods and then the trail you are on just splits!
That is how the poem “The Road Not Taken” starts. The poem is by Robert Frost (1874-1963). The key elements to be analyzed are mainly what these “two paths could be.” Whatever he did he had to have been disappointed about it, because in the last stanza he wrote “with a sigh.” This lewads me to my thesis statement which is that Robert Frost did take the lonely path, and that this is the warning he giuves out to others. The poem is about a person is walking on a path in the woods and comes upon a fork in the road. One path is i quote “bent in the undergrowth” the other having the “better claim.” The narrator of course, takes the better looking one. When he gets through he is alone. It is a very melancholy poem, filled with the theme of regret. The poem makes it seem as though the person speaking is Robert Frost himself. His persona is very pessimistic. His tone is a little bit of macabre, but not in a horrific way. …show more content…

The entire poem is a metaphor for what i thiunk is life. You have two choices, you pick the one with less people, then your lonely. After looking through it a couple times, its surprising that this poem has NO SIMILES! In fact, this poem doesnt have much figurative langauge at all. It is very straight forewardd. The rhyme scheme for the poem is ABAAB. There are a few cases of alliteration. Those include; wanted wear, first for.There is assonance: ages and ages. These were used to add a more intresting tone to the poiem, because they were toward the end. Sound effects made the poem have a little color. The poem became grey towwards the