
The Role Of Assertion In John Steinbeck's Grapes Of Wrath

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Horace’s Assertion
The Roman poet Horace states that adversity awakens talents that lie dormant in prosperous times. Horace’s assertion analyzes the role that adversity plays in the development of an individual's character. When an individual faces adversity, their true character becomes apparent. Horace observed that times of struggles elicit greater talents that prosperous circumstances. Periods of hardship expose an individual's true character and hidden talents that they themselves did not even know existed.
Adversity’s are almost impossible to avoid. When an individual faces such problems, they are bewildered by such difficult situations. Thus far, the person has only experienced prosperous circumstances, so their ability to respond has been dormant. However, once that person reacts to the adversity that has been brought into their life, it reveals their true character. Talents that are usually locked away, are brought forth during times of struggle. Once an individual’s talents are discovered; they realize as to what all they are capable. …show more content…

The Joad’s quickly realized that in order to overcome such a misfortune there must be a change in their ways. While experiencing various accounts of adversity, the Joad’s were forced to come face to face with their problem. The Joad’s had a set mind that they were not going to be overcome by the fear that their adversities brought. They were able to pick themselves up and persevere. By the end of their journey, the love and hope of the family had become an indestructible

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