The Role Of Grief In Richard Wagamese's Indian Horse

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Grief is a complex and multifaceted emotion that is an inherent part of the human experience. It manifests in various forms, ranging from the death of a loved one to the loss of a way of life, and it impacts individuals differently. In Richard Wagamese's novel Indian Horse and James Joyce's short story Eveline, grief plays a significant role in shaping the lives of the main characters. Through their narratives, these works explore the nature and role of grief as a transformative force, influencing the characters' actions, decisions, and perceptions of the world around them. In Indian Horse, the protagonist, Saul Indian Horse, experiences profound grief throughout his life. As a young Ojibwe boy, he witnesses the traumatic loss of his family and community due to the ravages of colonization and the residential school system in Canada. This loss generates a deep sense of grief that impacts Saul's identity, spirituality, and mental well-being. He grapples with the painful memories and struggles to come to terms with the trauma of his past, leading to self-destructive behaviors as a coping mechanism. Saul's grief is palpable and pervasive, permeating every aspect of his life, as he tries to make sense of his identity …show more content…

It affects their perceptions, attitudes, and interactions with others. In Indian Horse, Saul's grief causes him to view the world with a sense of detachment and mistrust, as he struggles to reconcile his traumatic past with the present reality. He becomes guarded and skeptical, constantly questioning the motives of those around him. In Eveline, her grief and sense of duty towards her family bind her to her current circumstances, making her view the prospect of change with trepidation and fear. She is torn between her desire for freedom and her loyalty to her family, which shapes her perception of the world and her decision-making