The Role Of Medicine In Ancient Egypt

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The Ancient Egyptians possessed great knowledge of the human anatomy and the natural world. From their attempts at treatment of common ailments to their organ removal techniques during mummification, Ancient Egyptians were advanced beyond many of their time. Many Ancient Egyptian Priests were also doctors as many cures also involved blessing or prayers. Other doctors were scribes and given titles of "chief doctor and scribe of the word of God.” 1 Doctors had their own hierarchy, there were “basic doctors, senior doctors, inspectors, overseers and masters of physicians and the Chief of Physicians.” 1 The Royal palace doctors had their own specialized hierarchy. The degree of specialization among Ancient Egyptian physicians was quite remarkable …show more content…

Disease was common in Ancient Egypt, afflictions including skin problems from parasites, often occurring as a result of contact with the Nile waters. Parasitic worms and tuberculosis were also commonly transmitted from cattle. Pneumonia was a common occurrence that resulting from breathing sand into the …show more content…

They each focus on a certain area of medicine. The oldest is known as the “Kahun Gynecology Papyrus” it dates back as far as 1825 BCE. As stated by Sameh M. Arab MD, the papyrus “describes methods of diagnosing pregnancy and the sex of the fetus, toothache during pregnancy, diseases of women, as well as feminine drugs, pastes and vaginal applications.” 3 There are several Papyri, along with the Kahun Gynecological Papyrus, the Edwin Smith papyrus (named for the man who purchased it) focuses on surgical trauma, the Hearst papyrus focuses on prescriptions for ailments including unrinary difficulty, butes, hair and blood, the Brugsch Papyrus closely parallels the Ebers Papryus and includes informationon contraception and fertility, the London Medical Papyrus contains both medical practices and magic used for cures; it focuses on skin and eye conditions as well as bleeding stemming from miscarriage, the Ebers Papyrus is among the oldest remaining medical documents and it focuses on herbal knowledge. The Brugsch Papyrus is more recent and provides parallel passages to the Ebers Papyrus, helping to clarify certain passages of the latter.