The Role Of Political Ideology

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To comprehend the role of political ideologies in political science, one first has to understand how a political ideology is defined. A political ideology can be defined as a set of beliefs or a belief system that has emotion attached by either an individual or a group of individuals. Along with having a set of beliefs, most people are emotional on their morals or ethics and want to take action to prevent others from acting against their beliefs by performing in social movements. It is important to remember that each person has their own belief system and it stems from how individuals view the actual world, since political ideologies can explain how a society and government should function. Most individuals or groups of individuals identify with specific political ideologies based on where their beliefs correlate on the political spectrum. There are three categories of political ideologies, which consist of the status quo, radicals or revolutionists, and lastly reformists. The typical members of the status quo category consist of liberals or conservatisms. Meanwhile, communists and fascists compose the category of radicals and revolutionaries political ideology. When analyzing the political spectrum it is not as simple for individuals or groups of individuals to identify in just one category alone. Most sets of beliefs are most often a combination of two different political spectrum categories that overlap in specific categories. Furthermore, the primary motive of this