The Role Of Slavery In Ancient Egypt

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The Egyptian hierarchy was like the pyramids that they built. At the very top was the pharaoh and their gods.
Under the pharaoh and the other gods, there was a chief minister call a ‘vizier’ that watched over tax collection, and monitored the government records that were kept by the scribes.
The next level down were the scribes, craftsmen, artisans, and traders. The soldiers fought in the armies during wartime but in peacetime many supervised the peasants, slaves and farmers and were also part of the building process of palaces, pyramids and other structures.
The bottom of the social structure contained the farmers, the slaves and the ruling class.
It is not known to what extent the royal family and the high court officials were connected by family ties. There is evidence that the officials of the Old Kingdom were often sons or at least related to, the king. For example, the vizier Nefermaat was a son of king In the Middle and New Kingdom the highest officials were often members of the same families.
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The differences of opinion stem mostly from how slavery is defined]. Theory and practice of Egyptian slavery were, as ascertain, quite different from those of Greece, Rome. where slaves were at the mercy of their owners with little protection from