
The Role Of The Inspector In An Inspector Calls

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In J.B. Priestley's play "An Inspector Calls," the character of the Inspector plays a pivotal role in the narrative. The Inspector is introduced as an enigmatic figure, who arrives unexpectedly at the Birling family's house on the night of their daughter's engagement party. From the outset, the Inspector's mannerisms and style of questioning suggest that he is not an ordinary police officer but rather an individual with a unique sense of purpose. In this essay, we will examine how the Inspector is presented in the play, analysing his dialogue, actions, and the responses of the other characters to his presence. By doing so, we will gain a better understanding of the role that the Inspector plays in the overall structure of the play and the themes …show more content…

Throughout the play, he exhibits a sense of authority that commands respect from the other characters, even those who initially dismiss him as a nuisance. The Inspector's interrogation techniques are also notable, as he employs a methodical and persistent approach to his questioning, often forcing the other characters to reveal uncomfortable truths about themselves and their actions. This creates tension and suspense for the audience, as we watch the Inspector gradually unravel the layers of deceit and hypocrisy that lie beneath the surface of the Birling family's seemingly idyllic lifestyle.

Another way in which the Inspector is presented in the play is through his enigmatic nature. Although he is a central figure in the narrative, we learn very little about the Inspector himself, beyond his role in investigating the suicide of a young woman named Eva Smith. This sense of mystery surrounding the Inspector's identity and motivations adds to his overall sense of authority and creates a sense of intrigue for the audience. We are left wondering who he is, where he came from, and what his ultimate goal is in interrogating the Birling

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