
The Romans Anthony Marks And Graham Tingay: A Comparative Essay

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Intro/Claim: Comparing Rome and the modern day doctors, there were some obvious differences such as the responsibility and training, this is mostly because of they way we have improved in medication. But one big similarity is the goal doctors and nurses had. Which was to keep patient alive and healthy.
Summary #1: In “Medicine” from The Romans Anthony Marks and Graham Tingay describes the qualifications to becoming a doctor or nurse, that they tied religion to medicine, and common healing processes. Doctors had to have certain skills and medical methods including scientific techniques and religious rituals. In Rome during the republic medical schools opened and the organized teaching of medicine began. The Romans believed that the god or goddess that they trusted had the power to heal the sick and be able to keep them alive. Doctors already knew most of the basics such as how a person's health can …show more content…

The healing process did not lie on how well a person knows the job or their remedies. It lies in the people's belief. If a person were to get sick or ill it would normally be believed to be caused by evil spirits. Summary #3: In “Living in Ancient Rome” from Medicine Illness and Death Bancroft Hunt explains, the tools used, how the doctors got their job and the religions connected. Some Roman doctors had the opportunity of bronze and iron instruments at their disposal. To become a doctor some might look for examples from Hippocrates (number one figure in history of medicine). Sick people take a night in the temple, hoping their dreams will tell them how to cure their illness. Summary #4: In “Healing the sick” from Ancient Rome Simon James explains, common healthing medicines/processes. Most medicines were made from various types of plants. An example is that drugs and ointments were made from many plant materials were known to have medical

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