The Second Anglo Boer War: Implementation Of Apartheid In South Africa

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The second Anglo Boer War can to a greater extent be seen as contributing factor to the implementation of Apartheid in South Africa. The war didn’t only open physical wounds but also emotional wounds which led to an outpour of nationalism as blood gushed from the wounds of the Afrikaner nation. This out-pour of nationalism, fuelled by the second Anglo Boer War, was what ultimately led to the implementation of Apartheid in South Africa. However there were other factors like the Groot Trek and “poor white problem” along with Afrikaans the language itself which had become a powerful symbol of Afrikaner nationalism. Another factor which can be seen as a cause of the implementation of apartheid is the loyalty black Africans had towards the British.
Translated from the Afrikaans meaning 'apartness ', apartheid was the ideology supported by the National Party government. The system was first introduced in South Africa in 1948 and was known as segregation. Segregation called for the separate development of the different racial groups in South Africa. On paper it appeared to call for equal development and freedom of cultural expression, but the way in which it was implemented made this impossible. Apartheid was a step up from segregation. The Apartheid system made laws that forced the different racial groups to live separately and develop separately but at the same time it caused great inequality and suffering for the majority of South Africans. It tried to stop all inter-marriage