
Compare And Contrast Jim Crow And Apartheid Pass Laws

683 Words3 Pages

Tatiyana Andrada
Mrs. Walker
English 10H
13 January 2023
Compare and Contrast Apartheid Pass Laws to Jim Crow Laws. While both Apartheid Pass Laws and Jim Crow Laws were alike in that both laws, non white people, had lower education, voting restrictions, segregated, and couldn't marry other races, they differed because Apartheid happened on a national scale, and Jim Crow laws happened locally.
They both targeted black people: Apartheid Pass Laws and Jim Crow laws were not so different after all. The Apartheid Pass Laws, started in 1948, discriminated against people of color, specifically black people. Their white government in South Africa implemented rules where black people were not allowed to live alongside white people, interracial marriages or …show more content…

Jim Crow laws were similar, black people were targeted and denied the right to vote, get jobs, and have an education. “African Americans faced social, commercial, and legal discrimination. Theatres, hotels, and restaurants segregated them in inferior accommodations or refused to admit them at all.” (“The Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws”) Jim Crows segregation kept black people from particpating in political, social, and even some economic activities and just like Jim Crow laws, Apartheid Pass Laws were segregated from normal activities under a strict and the highest level of government in the country. (“Compare and Contrast Jim Crow Laws”)
They were both prejudiced: Odds were against black people from the start, and because of both the Apartheid and Jim Crow Laws, it reinforced that white people were “superior” and able to get away with treating black people inhumanely. “The legal system was stacked against Black citizens, with former Confederate soldiers working as police and judges, making it difficult for African Americans to win court cases and securing they were subject

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