
The Secret Life Of Bees By Sue Monk Kidd

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The book The Secret Life of Bees, the main character Lily’s mother Deborah, means bee hive in Hebrew. Coming of age is when a person experiences something that helps the reach of an adult. In literature, coming of age can happen through love and the perception of parents. In the novel Secret Life Of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, the main character Lily went through a coming of age by viewing her parents in a different way. Similarly, in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespire, the main character Romeo experiences a coming of age of love. In the novel The Secret Life Of Bees, the main character Lily experiences a coming-of-age when her mother dies and when she spends time at the Boatwright's house and experiences the different cultures in the …show more content…

Later in the book, Lily ran away from home to learn more about her mom. She ends up finding the boatwrights who take her in. Towards the end of the book, she learns all about her mom from one of the Boatwright sisters. At the beginning of the story, Lily is inexperienced because she thinks that her father loves her. However, during the story, Lily experiences the perception of her parents which causes her to run away from home and find the Boatwrights who show her what family means. Later in the story, the character matures and learns that T. Ray does not care about her when Lily is at the law office and calls her dad to ask a question. A quote to support this is, “I squeezed the arm of the chair till my knuckles hurt. I was wondering, do you know what my favorite color is” (Sue Kidd, P.g. 160). The syllable of the syllable. This shows that the character goes through a coming-of-age experience because she is realizing that her father does not know what her favorite color is which shows Lily that her father does not love Lily. Experiencing coming of age through the perception of parents can help develop a literary character by watching their parents and experiencing life through their parents …show more content…

So Romeo goes to a ball that the Capulet family is hosting. Romeo meets Juliet and falls in love with her, they get married. They both died in the end. At the beginning of the story, Romeo is self-centered because he is depressed over having someone that he could not have. However, during the story, Romeo experiences love at first sight when he sees Juliet which causes him to go crazy and do anything for Juliet. Later in the story, Romeo does not really mature over the book, but he does seek advice from fiar Lawrence about Juliet. A quote to support this is, “this marriage may be lucky enough to turn the hatred between your families into pure love.”(Act2 Sene3, line 91) This shows that the character goes through a coming-of-age experience because he is in love with Juliet and wants to get married. Experiencing coming of age through love can help develop a literary character by helping them go through different feelings. Coming of age can happen through how your view changes of your parents and experiences of love. In The Secret Life Of Bees, coming of age is experienced through perception of parents because Lily has a father that is really bad to her and when she is at the boatwright house she sees how family is really asposed to

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