
The Seven Commandments Throughout Animal Farm

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The Seven Commandments Throughout Animal Farm During the course of Animal Farm, the Seven Commandments change drastically. In the very start, all of the rules are against anything relating to a human, and forbid human-like activities. Old Major had wanted all animals to be equal, and for them to rule over the humans. After a few months of those rules however, they began to change. The pigs started doing actions that went against these rules, and they knew it. So what else would they do but change the laws, and convince the other animals that everything they’re doing was justified. By the end of the novel, there was only one commandment left. The pigs were no different from men themselves; “the creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which” (118). The Seven Commandments adjusted to the wants of the pigs until the end of Animal Farm. Originally, there …show more content…

The pigs went into a state of totalitarianism. They claimed that every animal was treated as equals, but all the privileges were always given to them. The animals, still oblivious to the absolute power the pigs had over the farm, still thought they were doing what was best. Even after the pigs began to walk on two legs, which was strictly against the commandments, they adapted to it. A new slogan was created to celebrate the pigs’ accomplishment: “four legs good, two legs better” (118). The seven commandments were essentially a misuse of effort, because they were never thoroughly followed by the entirety of the farm, mainly the pigs. Seven slowly dwindled down to one, and was left in a direction opposite of what Old Major wanted them to become. The pigs slowly morphed into human-like creatures, and in the end, the farm was back to its original state as the Manor

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