The Similarities And Differences Between Jamestown And The New England Colonies

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The New England colonies settled because they wanted to have religious freedom which was the most important factor to the colonists. The people that made up these colonies just wanted a place to have freedom to worship. However, The New England colonies developed different from the colonies in the Chesapeake. Jamestown and New England had different economies, government and demographic make-up of the population. It was important for the New England colonies to have religious freedom. Those who did not like religious freedom were not welcome to settle there. Puritans in particular were not tolerant to those who had views other than theirs. People that wanted to reform the Anglican religious beliefs in order to purify the church were called Puritans. These puritans …show more content…

It led to an economic recession which made the non-separatists move to North America. The bay was a theocratic society which means it was a form of government in which the priest rule in the name of god. In order for men to obtain church membership they were required to vote for elected officials. The laws were based on Puritan values. A servant that was not acting appropriate, abusive husbands and wives that were disobedient could be sentenced to death. The puritans brought an upper level of idealism to the first colony they settled in.Their leader John Winthrop used the words “A city upon a hill” to describe it. They found six towns that were setting up churches using the congregationalist structure. The churches taxed the community in order to help pay for certain operations. It became apparent that not everyone was accepted into the church and may not be worthy enough. The New England Way was a test of a person's beliefs to identify saints or those who are eligible to be a member of a church. The test actually hurt the church because there were limited members and eventually they had to modify the