The Similarities Between Ethiopia And The United States

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One of the main similarities between Ethiopia and the United States is the major influence of religion on the peoples’ normal day to day life. It affects the way people in both nations go through each day and determines their family values. Religion in both nations are similar in some ways. Ethiopia has a large population that practices Christianity and Islam as well as in the United States (Commisceo).
Both nations have some similarities in social customs. In Ethiopia, they greet with a firm handshake with direct eye contact (Ethiopian). This is also used when meeting new people in the United States under formal circumstances. Another social custom they share is gift giving. In both countries, gifts are given to celebrate special events. In both cultures, those with money are respected and held at hight estem and education is valued.
Part 2: Differences
Although there are some similarities between Ethiopia and the United States, there …show more content…

Handshakes are less firm and once a close relationship is established citizens of the same sex may kiss three times on the cheeks. Greetings are never rushed and elders should be greeted first. It is custom to bow if the person is clearly older. Another difference in social customs is that gift giving should not be expensive or it could be viewed negatively. In the United States, gift giving is normally celebrated the more expensive the item is. Ethiopians also offer a cup of coffee at every dinner event and it is considered impolite to refuse. This is not a common practice in the United States. Soft voices are common in Ethiopia and load voices are considered aggressive. Ethiopia also strays from schedules and time clocks. They want the meeting or gathering to be done with extended social pleasantries and take time to be satisfied with the meetings content. In the United States, meetings are normally conducted between a certain time frame and business is the main