The Similarities Between Judeo-Christian Beliefs And Islam

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As mentioned in the previous section, regarding the affirmations of faith, as a part of that process, Muslims must acknowledge that Allah is the only God. Allah is the only to be worshiped, not Muhammad or any of the other prophets. They are strictly forbidden from worshiping any others, for only God is divine and worthy of worship. Muslims see that the only true image of God, is manifested through the texts of the Quran, they feel that attempting to illustrate Allah, does not justice for his true glory (Empires: Islam, The Messenger 23:00-24:00). This is the issue that many Muslims see with the practices of Judaism and Christianity. In their eyes, Jews and Christians have turned away from god, and instead, they put too much emphasis on the prophets and messengers, rather than worshipping God’s message itself. (Al-Imran 3:105-120) Despite the key differences between Judeo-Christian beliefs and Islam, there can be many likenesses of Allah to be found in the various apparitions of God throughout the Bible. One of the most prominent examples can be found in …show more content…

For example, Jehovah is often described as having very humanoid features, such as arms and legs. Allah, on the contrary, is considered an indescribable, perfect being, having no shape, form, or gender, as previously mentioned. Another feature that distinguishes Allah from Jehovah is his lack of direct interaction with humans. From lecture, we learned that Jehovah, who is noted throughout the Jewish Bible, is very concerned with human affairs, and is often found to bargain, talk, and negotiate with humans. One example of Jehovah’s dissatisfaction with humanity is found in the story of the Tower of Babel, where he punished the humans for trying to get on his level, by building a tower to heaven (Genesis 11:1-9) Allah is a very hands-off God, who lets humans make free choices, and is unconcerned by their actions, as long as they worship him