Similarities Between Jewish, Christian, And Islamic Beliefs

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Today many people are part of different regions that many years ago were not offered, and as time goes by new religions and beliefs come about. Around the world there are many different religions that have many different beliefs, but there are also some religions that share similar beliefs like the Jewish, Christians, and the Islamic beliefs that even though have many differences they still share the some similarities like their holy books, and their rules to their religion.
One similarity between the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic beliefs is what they consider to be their holy books. The Islam religion has the Quran which to them “the Quran is at the center of their religion because it reflects the recitation of God’s words to Muhammad” (DiYanni). This book is important to them because to them Muhammad was the one who proclaimed the Islamic religion, and to them Muhammad is like a prophet who had a very close contact with God. So the Quran ends up being very important for the Islamic religion just like the Hebrew Bible is important to the Jewish. “The Hebrew Bible includes three major groupings: the law, the prophets, and the writings” …show more content…

The Jewish and the Christian religions have similar prophets such as moses and Abraham who for the Jewish beliefs is “the first patriarch and is an ancestor fo the Jews” (DiYanni) He is also considered by both religions to be the founding father of the covenant, which was an agreement between God and the people. Like the Jewish and the Christians the Islamic also have a prophet who they believe in, this prophet is Muhammad as well as Jesus. For the Islamic beliefs “Muhammad was Gods messenger and he received revelations from Allah which lasted more than twenty years” (DiYanni). All of these prophets are very important to each of these three religions because thanks to them their beliefs, faith, and relationship with God