
Are Islamic Principles Of Islamic Belief? How Do They Relate To Key Worship Practices

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1. What are the principles of Islamic belief? How do they relate to key worship practices?

Islam developed in the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century, when Muslims believe that a man called Muhammad received communication from God. Islam is considered part of the Abrahamic religions along with Judaism and Christianity. In the Islamic view, Abraham was the original monotheist who received a revelation from God, a revelation that taught him the true religion centering on the oneness of God (Invitation to World Religions, pg.472). Muslims believe that when Muhammad received the revelations of the Qur’an, he was given a reminder for the humanity of what God conveyed to Abraham. The primary source of Islamic teachings is the Qur’an, which …show more content…

Muslim have five main beliefs; the first belief is in Allah as the one and only God (BBC). Muslims believes that Allah is eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent, that has no shape or form and that Allah is merciful and rewards and punishes fairly. A believer can approach Allah by praying, and by reciting the Qur'an (BBC). Secondly, the belief in angels, such as the angel Gabriel who brought revelations from Allah to Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that Angels are created to obey Allah and carry out His will. Thirdly, the belief in the Prophets, which Muslims consider Muhammad as the final messenger in a series of prophets sent by God to humanity. For Muslims, all prophets are solely human and not divine. They believe that all prophets bring communication from God. Fourthly, Muslims believes that there would be a Day of Judgment. Each person will have a book that details the deeds of his or her life. The book held in the right hand indicates a righteous life, and the book held in the left indicates a sinner. Those who are judged to be righteous will enter paradise and those who have led a sinful life will be cast into hell. The Qur’an teaches that each individual stand-alone before

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