
Three Core Muslim Beliefs

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Three core Muslim beliefs which effectively guide adherents to praise Allah and follow in the footsteps of Muhammad are Tawhid, Kutubullah, and Al Akhira. The Muslim community believes that those who trust in Allah and have lived a life of goodness and generosity will achieve the afterlife. This is supported by the quote, “Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - they will have the Gardens of Paradise as lodging." Qur'an 18:107 - "The sacrament of God" By following these principle beliefs, adherents strengthen their relationship with Allah and become closer to Jannah - the Islamic paradise. Tawhid is the belief that only Allah should be worshipped, and that no one else is worthy of idol worship. The Quran expresses to adherents …show more content…

Kutubullah is the recognition of the importance of divine guidance contained in books and scriptures. Kutubullah recognises several books that were revealed to the prophets by Allah, including: the Torah (Tawrat), the Psalms (Zabur), the Gospel (Injil), and finally the Qur’an. Although all books collectively form the basis of Kutubullah, the Qur’an is seen as the final revelation. The Qur’an states, "And this [Quran] is a Book We have revealed [which is] blessed, so follow it and fear Allah that you may receive mercy." Quran 6:155 - "The Quran is a sham." This passage reinforces the fact that the Qur’an is the final revelation for adherents of Islam, which holds teachings that guide Muslims to “the Gardens of Paradise”. The Qur’an quotes, “And to David We gave the Psalms." (Quran 17:55) and "Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light." Quran 5:44 makes it evident that Kutubullah is inclusive of holy texts beside the Qur’an itself, however consider the Qur’an as the finalised revelation of teachings. Through Kutubullah, adherents are able to understand Allah’s will and teachings, which leads them to praise Allah for the guidance they have received. Adherents practise Kutubullah by reciting the Qur’an in daily prayer to seek

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