
Essay On Jewish Religion

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Imagine a place ever so serene - a place where there are no rankings — a place where all humans to accept one another for who they are. There would no longer be discrimination in any form. Only one would let another be whom he desires. This act of serenity could simply start with religion. Who is the judge to say one god is better than another? No one truly knows the answer. However, one does believe that his religion is supposedly better in some aspects than his fellow civilians. Religion should not be a competition. To end this, people should quit assuming that the religion one chooses to pursue is always better than the others. Let the Jewish people be Jews; the Christians be Christians; and the Islamics be Islamics. No living thing knows the answers to whose god is greater. Although there are numerous religions, and religious texts, the Torah, Koran, and Bible are well-known. “Who among the Gods is like you- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” This is a quote from the Torah, the sacred book of the Jewish religion. Throughout this holy text, it speaks of God as being sacrosanct and an “awesome” God who is superior to other Gods - so it says. A quote from the Koran, “In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. …show more content…

He thinks he “knows” that his God is the most superior. However, like every other concept of religion, it is just a belief. The followers of each religion believe that their God is the true king. For instance, the quote from the Torah states, “Who among the Gods is like you?” This proves that the Jewish people truly believe in their hearts, that there God is the utter most best. Or, in the quote from the Koran, “...equal to Him is not anyone.”. This demonstrates that the Islamics believe their god is the absolute finest. No one can know for sure which God is the

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