
Life Of A Jew Essay

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Life Of A Jew “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”- Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. He was the Chancellor of Germany 1933-1945. What happened in those years is gruesome, nasty, and will never be forgotten. Auschwitz was right in the middle on many Polish cities, making it very easy to transport Jews in, and lots of them. Auschwitz was a 40 kilometer lot with another 5 kilometers around that for isolation. Auschwitz was one of the biggest concentration camps during WWII, and it was very hard to escape, but 133 people were recorded for successfully escaping Auschwitz. The buildings were divided into three different sections out of 28 stories, Auschwitz I was the base camp and central office, Auschwitz …show more content…

Then while waiting more people faint and die, or freeze to death. Now it’s dinner time, which is another ½ cup of soup and any bread you spared from breakfast, then you go to bed and get an hour of restless sleep, then do the whole thing over again. Obviously not everyone made it to the gas chambers to die. Many people were beaten to death, or shot. Also many Jews died from contagious diseases from there very unsanitary living conditions. Not every Jew was treated like complete crap. Some Jews actually became supervisors of work groups. Believe it or not they never helped them escape, many of them were actually worse than the Germans to their own people. If I was in charge of a group of people that were being held in a camp, and not being treated fairly, I’d help them escape. I wrote down part of a diary entry I thought was pretty neat. This diary belonged to Helga (not sure of last name) she was a 12 year old when her house got evacuated by Germans, and she quickly grabbed her diary. Helga, her mom, dad, and some aunt and uncles went to the camp Teezin. She remembers writing to her father, and she’d deliver them at night. One day her dad replied to her saying “Write about what you

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