Jews Dbq Essay

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The Holocaust in Geramny involved the genocide of millions of Jewish citizens through the powerful hand of Hitler and his Nazi goverment. The Nazis and their perspectives are held responsible for the death of close to 6 million Jews two thirds of their population. The impact of the Holocaust on Jews runs deeper than just death, the jews were set aside as inhuman getting placed in ghettos that were nowhere near suited for living, also racist propaganda affected the Jewish people through that they were shown as monsters and enemies of the Germans, boycott from the nuremberg laws and Kristallnacht hurt and isolated the Jewish population. These are all significant reasons that paved the road toward the “final solution”.

My first factor of how the jews were affected is their lives in the Ghettos. Ghettos were large areas where Jews were forced to live away from the cities. Inhabitants had horrible and limiting living conditions including curfews, limited resources and overcrowding. We see in source A a picture of a young boy in the Warsaw ghetto. Warsaw was in Poland and was the largest ghetto in all of Europe with over 350,000 Jews inside. The emotions of terror and uncomfortability are clearly seen on this young boy's face, living in such terrible conditions would inevitably bring forth many fears. As a Jew he could be worried about death, family death, not having food and being moved. The ghettos also had a great physical impact …show more content…

Propaganda is information of a biased nature. Source C is an example of propaganda, It shows a Jewish man that looks more like a monster then a man as well as signs of communism something that the Nazis hated. These two things are used to make people believe that Jews aren't able to be trusted and that they are evil and greedy. In addition it indoctrinated young Germans that didn't know much about the Jews, this made it easier for them to hate and kill off Jewish people near the end of the War