“Frankendoodle” SpongeBob SquarePants is a beloved animated television series that debuted in 1999 and has captured the hearts of children and adults alike. With its whimsical characters, creative storylines, and humor, it has become a cultural phenomenon that has gone on for over two decades. SpongeBob SquarePants follows the adventures of a yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob and his friends in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom. One of the most popular episodes of the show is “Frankendoodle,” which showcases the show’s unique humor and storytelling. In this episode we can see many similarities to the Frankenstein novel written by Mary Shelly but one prevalent theme that stands out is the dangers of playing with the forces of creation …show more content…
SpongeBob and Patrick then discover the pencil that can bring their drawings to life. They immediately start drawing various things and even play a prank on Squidward, SpongeBob’s neighbor. SpongeBob gets another idea for a prank where Squidward opens his door and it would be the drawing that SpongeBob created of himself called DoodleBob. DoodleBob is mostly made up of rectangles and circles and is shorter than SpongeBob. He has noodle-like arms and legs and wide uneven eyes. He is basically a clumsy and awkwardly sketched black and white SpongeBob. Once DoodleBob is created they go through with the prank but once Squidward opens the door DoodleBob starts hurting him. SpongeBob and Patrick’s initial excitement at being able to create anything they desire quickly turns to fear and panic as their creation becomes uncontrollable. The episode shows that the power to create carries with it a responsibility to consider the potential consequences of one’s actions. This responsibility is demonstrated in Frankenstein through the character of Victor Frankenstein, who creates a monster that he cannot control and ultimately leads to his …show more content…
Instead of destroying the magic pencil right away SpongeBob continues to use it and keeps it with him. During the night DoodleBob’s hand sneaks into Spongebob’s house while he is sleeping and steals the magic pencil. Since SpongeBob did not erase all of DoodleBob, it was able to use the pencil to draw his body back and gain control again. DoodleBob ends up chasing SpongeBob around his own house trying to get revenge and erase him. DoodleBob is eventually captured by SpongeBob after he discovers that paper is his weakness and he can get stuck to it by touching it. In the end SpongeBob and Patrick decide to send the pencil back to where it came from realizing that it’s magic is too much for them especially after what they had to deal