The Soloist Analysis

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The Soloist Mental health is becoming a major section of health care. The movie “The soloist” exquisitely demonstrates how mental health is very important to make a living, take care of yourself and interact with the community. The Soloist film follows a journalist, Steve, who is on the hunt for a good story for his column in the LA Times. He hears a homeless musician, Nathaniel, playing one day while on lunch who mentioned that he attended The Juilliard School. From there on Steve tries to form a relationship with Nathaniel, a person who is much more to him than just a homeless musician. Nathaniel suffers from schizophrenia. Throughout the film, Steve learns how difficult it is to communicate with Nathaniel. The movie also exquisitely demonstrates the legal and ethical dilemma the mental health field can develop (Foster, Krasnoff & Wright, 2009). Communication is needed when having a conversation with people. Some people have great communication skills, while others lack. Communication can make all the difference, it helps people understand a conversation and in the medical world, it can save a life (Varcarolis, 2018).. Throughout the film, Nathaniel and Steve communicate regularly. However, Steve finds that communicating with Nathaniel is very difficult; due to schizophrenia. In the movie, Steve used many communication techniques (Foster, Krasnoff & Wright, 2009). Communication can either be untheraputic or therapeutic. Untheraputic techniques can be excessive