The Song Of Roland Chivalry

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In the poem of “The Song of Roland” the Chivalry Code was documented. “The Song of Roland” describes Knights of the Dark Ages in the time period of 701-800 and the battles fought by the Emperor Charlemagne. Since then the code has been called the Charlemagne 's Code of Chivalry. “The Song of Roland” was written between; 1098-1100 and describes the bitter betrayal of Roland at the hand of his friend Ganelon. Roland was a loyal defender of Lord Charlemagne and his code of conduct became known as the code of chivalry. The Code of Chivalry described in “the Song of Roland” and a superb depiction of the Knights Codes of Chivalry are as follows: To fear God and maintain His Church, to serve the lord in valor and faith, to defend the feeble and unprotected,