Soul Of The Marionette Essay

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Two economic theories I have come across that would be highly relatable to “The Soul of the Marionette” would include: Game Theory and Supply and Demand.
From an early onset of the book I had a visual image in my brain of a very controlled environment. “Whether moved by a hidden hand or pulled about by strings, a puppet has no will of its own”. (Gray 2015) First off I would like to take into account what we know Laissez Faire to mean. If we want to explore freedom in our economic climate, then why not start with the management of our banks before the recession hit in 2008. Laissez Faire is a process by which a higher authority or a director of a firm does not have a hands on approach to the running’s of their business, a project or markets …show more content…

Another name that this theory is known by is the invisible hand. That alone corresponds to the hands of the puppeteer working with the puppet. We only see the fluid and marvellous actions of the puppet on the stage. We do not see the hands that create this work of art. “Entirely controlled by a mind outside itself, a puppet has no choice in how it lives”. (Gray 2015) If we use this image of a puppet to represent ourselves, and this idea that we do not have control of how we live, supply and demand may have answers to this. Supply is the quantity we have of a product, a service or even monetary funds. Demand then on the other hand would contain how many people are searching for the item in question. The supply affects the demand and the demand affects the supply, almost like the components of game theory. Throughout the book, Gray speaks about many different ethnic groups and religions in order to show us, that this idea of freedom in many areas has been sought after for many of years, and in groups of people who may have very little in common. Freedom is their common denominator. Gray brings up a topic about Human Redundancy and the Cyborg Economy. ( Gray 2015) Here we must open our minds to understanding that if the machines were the supply and human employment the demand. “Could a game be played between humans and machines”. ( Gray 2015) This question poses the thought that is there room in the economy for them to work together? If not, which one suffers? Our technology advanced economy is continuing to expand at an exponential rate and increase in efficiency in front of our eyes. With this introduction of machinery day after day, does this further heighten this idea of freedom or lack of freedom within the workplace and the scope to innovate? “Unskilled labour is being automated”. (Gray 2015) If we can see that the introduction of high