Technology And The Lifeworld Argumentative Essay

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Flying cars and robots are what come to mind when you hear the words the future. Many predict that the future will be an amazing and surreal place with everything technology. One may begin to think of movies such as Back to the Future where the characters travel in time to the future and see the children all have “hover boards” rather than skate boards and sneakers that automatically lace themselves (Zemeckis 1985). In the book, Technology and the Lifeworld: From Garden to Earth, Don Ihde wrote “Is there then, a single massive trajectory to the rise of high-technology culture and its attainment as a world culture?” (Ihde 1990, p.123) Almost everyone believes that technology has made life easier and more comfortable and that it has enabled …show more content…

To be a human being is much more than biology; it is the ability to know the difference between right and wrong, having rational thoughts, and to think deeply beyond the tangible materials in the world. In today’s society, even with the uses of technology human beings have a purpose and tend to be active members of society. Most human beings have jobs, are gaining an education for a career, or chose a domestic life caring for their families. Now, imagine waking up to a robot dressing you, brushing your teeth, and preparing your meals. The animated Walt Disney movie Wall-E portrays totalization in a confined “world” or society in space. There was a dystopic (negative) scene where two oversized men sat on a chair that hovered over the ground and were talking to each other through a screen rather than facing each other to have a conversation (Iwerls 2008). Everything on the ship was functioning by the use of robots and the human beings did nothing; the captain of the ship even expressed that they just sit there and never do anything (Iwerls 2008). The result of this meant obese, lazy, and helpless human beings. This movie does a wonderful job foreshadowing a world that is run by technology, and it would be a scary world indeed. Also, in Wall-E the robots expressed more human features then the human beings appeared to possess. This idea that as technology advances, human beings will become more …show more content…

In an all technological world everyone needs to be on the same page and must be able to understand and interpret the technology. For instance, writing is a technology and in order to understand the letters and numbers involved it must be learned and understood. In today’s society writing has become a multitude of abbreviations. When individuals send text messages that use abbreviations such as “LOL” or “OMG” and if not learned one will not know what they mean. In a world that is completely technological it would create issues if not everyone can interpret the different