The Stages Of Development: Kohlberg's Moral Development

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Theoretical Background This study is anchored on Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory. This theory proposed that moral reasoning of human beings is associated with the stages of development in solving moral issues that an individual encounters (Bjorklund & Blasi, 2010). Kohlberg’s moral development sees moral reasoning as progressing through three levels to support his claims. First, pre-conventional moral reasoning, it is characterized by apparent and physical events. The presentation of moral issues at this stage is concentrated with the rewards and punishments after the occurrence of their action. This stage is commonly exercised of children ages 4 to 10. In this stage, they follow the rules to avoid punishment and gain rewards. Some adolescents and adults remain at this level to gain their rewards and to satisfy their needs (Steinberg, 2002). The conventional moral reasoning stage, it is characterized by one’s social conformity to norms and standards as basis of behavior. At this stage it is concentrated with upholding and abiding the law as the means of approval of others and maintaining social order. Most adolescents and adults act in accordance to conform social conventions. They obey the law to please others by justifying their actions. Adolescents often show apparent imbalance when advancing from one level to another or fall back on other ethical systems, such as religious practices, rather than on Kohlberg’s justice-based system. This stage is mostly