Little Girls Can Be Mean By Michelle Anthony And Reyna Lindert

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Little Girls Can Be Mean, written by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert give four simple steps to bully proof girls in the early ages of life for better positive outcomes in later life. The title itself states a bold truth, little girls truly can be mean, sometimes it’s not meant to be mean and sometimes it is. Little girls at young ages, going to school and identifying who they are and where they belong can be challenging and this is where little girls can be mean. This is not the only time in life it is this way but identifying who you are and where you belong can either lead to being a bully or being bullied. The four-step approach to bully proof a girl is quite simple and I will take the time to go over and review these steps as they are important to helping little girls avoid being mean or avoid little girls being mean to them. The first of the four steps is to observe. Second, connect, connecting with this little girl you may know is struggling. Third, guide and fourth, support the girl to act on what had been discussed in steps one, two and three. The first step to helping bully proof a girl is …show more content…

“Young children are just beginning to learn how to discriminate between right and wrong; in other words, they are developing a sense of morality” (Levine, 2016). They simply are developing the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong form themselves, but what the moral development helps them to know the difference in right and wrong and the best interest for others rather than themselves. “So, what is understood about morality as a child in middle childhood, is generally the level of reasoning most individuals will use in moral dilemmas or judging the morality of situations” (S. Tulane, personal communication, April 18, 2017). This development has an influence on everything that happens around them and the behaviors around