The Story Of Sylvia Nunn's Murder

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When Sylvia was 16 years old she heard gunshots outside her house she went outside and took off running mid-afternoon and found her older brother who was a part of the “blood’s” lying in a nearby park with a crowd around him she got there to the crowd and he was laying there just bleeding. She stated in the video she was mad and hurt, bitter and ready to hurt you and kill you. Her bothers fight is her fight she said I am my brother's keeper. Her brother's murder made her so angry it brought her to gang life she wanted to find the crips that murdered her brother she wanted a life for life. Sylvia Nunn said The main thing is to kill and in some type of way or form it's to kill take life into your own hands. The gang becomes your family well …show more content…

Sylvia Nunn's exploits earned her the street name Rambo. Sylvia would dress up as a male no makeup no fingernails no jewelry Wearing black shoes black socks Black shirt and black pants A black coat and a beanie With her red flag up underneath the Beanie Wine and can't like it and she would put her working Sylvia's job was to kill. After Sylvia would be dressed up as a dude and kill people should jump in her car take off the beanie in the coat pull her hair down and then it looks like she's a woman just driving it's like her disguise. The day Sylvia's brother was killed by the Crips she went home dressed up like a man because she knew where her father's guns were she then went out found the cribs and started killing them in honor of her brother. That first kill after her brother's murder sealed her transformation from a girl to a gangster. Sylvia's parents make sure that they had everything they were a high-class Upper Black family Sylvia had a new car every year. Sylvia's older brother Marcus street named China dog was a member of the …show more content…

Sylvia was the youngest girl in the game and the only girl that carried a gun. Sylvia's Main thing was to prove that she was just as tough as her older brother Marcus. Sylvia was asked by Marcus's homies to help rob a gas station They walk to the gas station Marcus's homies held Sylvia on their shoulders When they got there they used the handle of their pistols to break the window and pushed Sylvia through the window and told the cashier we are here to rob you and you better not press any buttons with a gun held to her face Sylvia took all the money from the register gave it to the Bloods then she demanded her share. Marcus's homies looked at her crazy and said we'd buy you a Popsicle or something Sylvia looked at them and said no you won't that job is going to give me some money too so Marcus’s homies gave her a whole bunch of change. Sylvia always stood out from The Pact she wasn't like the other girls who took orders from the men and listen to them Sylvia did not Sylvia wanted to be one of the guys she wanted to prove she was just like her older brother. Was Sylvia and Marcus in the Bloods they're home became the headquarters since their father was in jail and wasn't able to stop