The Strange Case Of Mr. Melvin Staggs And Othelia Salickram

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Mr. Melvin Staggs and Othelia Salickram are both fragile and very thin. R/s Mrs. Staggs was shot about 5 years ago and has a gastrostomy bag. R/s Mr. Staggs passes out a lot. R/s Mrs. Salickram has a multitude of issues including back problems. R/s both Mr. Staggs and Mrs. Salickram have to take a lot of medication. R/s their son Mel is not taking care of them, but he is taking their money to buy drugs. R/s Mel is using meth and he is on probation for CDV. R/s Mel screams and yell at his parents. R/s Mel’s son, Peyton is stealing the grandparents’ medicine to use and sell. R/s Mr. Staggs and Mrs. Salickram sometimes have to go a whole month without medication. R/s Peyton threatened to beat Mr. Staggs up. R/s Mr. Staggs is afraid of Peyton because