Elder Abuse In Nursing Home Essay

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These facilities can be improved to reach higher expectations and tremendous rewards, but in order to do so, these events taking place in nursing homes and assisted living centers need to stop immediately. One way these facilities can improve is to require further education for the employees to complete so there will be an increased amount of suitable crowds hired to work. These facilities are already unbearably expensive so it would be an easy fix to use part of that money to raise the employee’s pay. Once there is a better group of employees with higher education and better pay, then there should be improvement in the care the residents receive. Superb quality nursing homes start with a superb quality administrator. The administrator's job is to make sure everything is on top of its game and the Director of Nursing is doing his/her job. The Director of Nursing’s job is to make sure The LPN (License Practical Nurse) …show more content…

The United States government is doing a surprisingly little amount for the million of elderly who are being abused everyday. An affective abuse policy increasing elderly protection services is immensely needed. The public should also be informed about elderly abuse, and the individuals who commit the crime of abusing the elderly should have stricter punishments. People in society can help towards pushing for a more goal driven elder justice policy. In the article, “The Elderly Must Be Protected From Abuse,” author Robert B. Blancato explains seven goals which should be addressed towards elderly justice. These seven goals are as follows: “filling service gaps, educating the public, training professionals, enhancing adult protective services, increasing prosecuting, maximizing resources, and eliminating policy barriers” (78). If the government and society worked towards improving these goals, then elderly abuse will