The Strays-Personal Narrative-Foster Family

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This August at the age of seven, beautiful Hannah was surrendered to Caring About The Strays by her family after they had a baby. Heartbroken and depressed, she spent her first few days hiding, crying, and not eating. Due to the circumstances we made sure she received extra care, love and attention. Despite our efforts, she grew weak and seemed to have just given up. After all attempts were exhausted, she was taken to the animal hospital and it was confirmed that her liver enzymes were dangerously high; Hannah was going into liver failure. She was immediately placed on medication and into a critical care foster home. With daily medication and 24/7 care she began to turn around. Our sweet girl was improving and we all had hope. After a week, she started to eat on her own but could not keep her food down. We immediately took her to the animal hospital again and due to her fragile state, a feeding tube was surgically implanted and she …show more content…

Her foster family has worked very hard to get her weight back up, give her the needed medications, and taken her to weekly vet visits. Luckily after all the care and love she received, Hannah was finally eating on her own without the tube and putting on weight. After a couple of weeks, she developed painful sores and irritated skin which led to massive hair loss. After running tests, the cause was uncertain but most likely a reaction to the medication she needed to stay alive. She now requires a special diet of organic grain free food, weekly vet visits, and more medication. In an effort not to keep her on long-term steroids and return her to great health, Hannah now also sees a holistic vet and specialist weekly. She will always need a special diet, ongoing medication, alternate therapies, monthly blood work testing, monitoring, and potential future surgery. We will do everything we can so she can have a healthy and happy