The Stricter Sunni Branch Of Saudi Arabia By Ibn Abd Al-Wahhabism

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Wahhabism is a stricter Sunni branch of Islam founded in Saudi Arabia by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and it rejects the beliefs of Sufism due emphasizing false Islamic values. (Craig p.738) Moreover, this religion began to combat the false beliefs/ideas of Islam emphasized by Sufi Muslims such as saint worship and visitation to saints’ tombs and employ authorities of the Quran (Islam’s holy book) or traditions of the Prophet. (Craig p.738-739) Authorities of the Quran or who followed the traditions of the prophet emphasized true Islam according to the Quran and the Sufis did not since saint worship is prohibited according to the Quran since followers of Islam are only supposed to worship one god, which is Allah and nothing else according to the Quran. Every Muslim country had a different …show more content…

(Craig p.740) For instance, in Iran the impact had various effects on different states in the country since everyone had a different experience. (Craig p.740) Some Muslims responses were they incorporated “western ideas into traditional Islamic institutions, they made efforts to join western innovations with traditional Islamic institutions”, and rejected things of western culture in favor of traditional Islamic ways so society would be purified. (Craig p.740) Overall, some Islamic citizens were open-minded and some were not, it depended on the area and how the citizens’ attitude was toward the way of life.

India achieved its independence through a violent war against the British. (Craig p.737) The Indians responded to imperialism in a plethora of ways. First, they began political activism by finding institutions that would build national feeling so