Human Body System: The Musculoskeletal System

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The Human Body System

AC 2.1.
Explain the structure and function of at least 3 to 4 systems

1) The Circulatory System; This system transports blood, full of oxygen and nutrients to and from the heart, and all around the rest of the human body. At the same time it transports out carbon dioxide and other unwanted material such as harmful minerals, waste material resulting from cellular breakdown, nitrogenous waste in liquid form, and food additives.These are then taken to the liver where they get transformed, or to the kidneys so that they can be excreted out as urine, or through the intestines.
The components of this system are; the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and it has 2 circuits that transport blood around the pulmonary …show more content…

The components of this system are made up of 206 skeletal bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, a network of tendons, joints, and the other connective tissue that supports and binds tissue and organs together.The skeletal portion of this system serves us by being the main pillars and storage system for phosphorus and calcium, and it also contains fundamental parts of the hematopoietic system. Furthermore it has 2 parts, which are the axial skeletol, which is made out of the vertebral cullum, the rib cage, and the skull, and the appendicular skeletol which in turn is made up of the shoulder girdle and the pelvic one. We also have 4 types main types of bones which are, irregular bone, flat bones, long bones and short bones. As to the muscles these are divided in to 3 mains parts, which are the heart muscle which is unique only to the heart, the skeletal or voluntary muscle, and the smooth or involuntary …show more content…

The fallopian tubes with its finger like projections known as fimbriae sucks the eggs in to the tubes, and in to the ampule the longest part of the tube where fertilisation most commonly takes place. Another crucial structure is that of the uterus, and this is the muscular sack where the embryo grows, and eventually develops in to a baby. Finally the vaginal canal which is where sperm travels up, in order to get to the eggs, and this is attached to the cervix/the neck of the

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