The Body's Circulatory System: The Cardiovascular System

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The cardiovascular system gets rid of waste products and oxygen and nutrients is brought to the body by it. This system is made up of the blood, blood vessels and the heart. These work together to transport the oxygen and nutrients. The cardiovascular system additionally helps to control an individuals temperature, spreading proteins and hormones and various other chemicals to different parts of the body. In the cardiovascular system the heart moves the blood around the body (acts like a pump) and different types of blood vessels (e.g. arteries, veins and capillaries) have well defined features that make viable their functions in the body’s circulatory system.
The heart is pretty small because it is around the same size as a persons fist. The heart has four chambers on the inside (internal chambers) and these chambers accumulate blood and pump the blood to …show more content…

It also has a liquid which is named plasma. The formed elements of the blood have red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The formed element which carries oxygen from the lungs to body tissues is the red blood cells. Additionally, red blood cells also pick up carbon dioxide from tissues which then end up going away through the lungs when a person exhales (breathes out). The formed element which are apart of the immune system (which helps fight infections) are the white blood cells and the formed elements that are tiny cellular fragments are the platelets. These very small, cellular fragments then clump together to form blood clots (hardening blood which forms clumps) which puts an end to bleeding (e.g. when you cut yourself). This then shows that these formed elements account for 45 percent of the blood in the human body. The cellular parts of the blood are carried in a protein rich liquid named plasma which is approximately 55 percent of the blood in the human

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