Explain How The Blood Flows Between The Lungs And The Rest Of The Body

911 Words4 Pages

Heart, lungs and the Rest of You
By: Olivia Abel

1.Explain how the blood flows throughout your lungs, heart and the rest of your body.
Your left and right side of your heart work together to pump blood to and throughout your body which is separated by muscular tissue called the septum. In the right side blood enters through two large vein which are the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying poor oxygen blood from the body to the right reticulum. When the left side enters from the pulmonary veins and empties oxygen rich blood from the lungs into the aorta going throughout the body. There are three main types of blood vessels that help blood flow through your heart. They are
Arteries -
They carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart to all of your body tissues. Which get smaller and smaller the farther they get away from the heart.

Capillaries -
Which Are small thin blood vessels that connect the arteries and the veins together. There thin walls allow oxygen, nutrients and carbon dioxide to pass through and from cells.
Veins -
They are blood vessels that take blood back into the heart.

2. After leaving the heart, blood goes to the lungs, where it collects oxygen. this , goes back into the heart from the lungs, and is pumped to organs through arteries. The blood returns to the heart through the …show more content…

All or parts of the heart muscle becomes cut off from its oxygen supply. Left without oxygen.To the heart muscle is injured. Your heart becomes damaged and will most likely take awhile for recovery and for your body to go back to its normal state. Many people survive their first heart attack, this is 50 to 75% of people. After the heart attack, your heart will most likely go back to normal or it could become a region of dead heart tissue. Heart attacks could also cause weakness of the blood being flown in through the heart, making it much easier for you to have shortness in

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