The Structure Of Government In Ancient Rome And The United States

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The structure of government in Ancient Rome and the United States has experienced significant changes over the centuries. This essay will compare and contrast the political structure of Ancient Rome and the United States, focusing on how each system of government grants power to the people and their representatives. It will examine the differences in the roles of the Senate and consuls in Ancient Rome and the President and Congress in the United States. Additionally, it will highlight the impact of slavery within each system of government and how this played a major role in determining the rights of the citizens. The structure of governments in Ancient Rome and the United States has experienced drastic changes over the centuries. This essay will compare and contrast the political structures of both ancient Roman and modern United …show more content…

The Senate was composed of wealthy Patricians and had the power to veto any individual or group proposals. Common people had no access to or influence on the government, leading to highly unequal societies with little representation from the lower classes. In the United States, the power is held by the people, who elect their representatives to create laws and policies on their behalf. The President and Congress hold the ultimate power and authority, creating laws and policies that are best for the people. All citizens have an equal say and representation in the government, regardless of their economic or social status. Additionally, the Supreme Court provides an essential layer In Ancient Rome, the Senate and consuls had complete control over the citizens and their laws. This heavily favored the wealthy Patricians and created a society that was divided by socio-economic status. The common people had no say in the government, making it difficult for them to seek legal redress or challenge existing