The Sun Also Rises Lost Generation

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In the novel The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway addresses the complex of the lost generation in which the aftermaths of someone who has served in World War 1 and has lost all morals in life and does not know how to live in modern society. The lost generation were those who were born right after World War 1 as well those who did not know what to do because they had parents or guardians that were in the war. In The Sun Also Rises the main characters one being Robert Cohn who was a Boxer in his young days but eventually retired and became a novelist. Robert Cohn was full of mystery to the average scholar even though he won several titles. Robert Cohn was very much in love with the lady Brett Ashley when they slept with each other in San Sebastian. He later then found that he would regret the thought of him ever falling for someone with the minds of Brett Ashley. Brett Ashley was a British woman who planned to marry Michael Campbell after her divorce were to be finalized. They both agreed to live in an open marriage when in reality it was only Brett Ashley who was sleeping around with other men. The only one who Brett ashley would never in her entire life sleep with was her dear good friend Jake Barnes because she felt he …show more content…

The story A Sun Also Rises is about how the role of a woman and a man in american society is changed by how passive the man turns and how aggressive the woman are in taking patriarchal roles and doing whatever they feel like doing. Jake barnes will uncover new secrets at the bullfights he