The Sun Also Rises Response Paper

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The Sun Also Rises (Final Edited) – Response Paper
“You are all a lost generation” – Gertrude stein. This quote explores the discrete, horrifying stories of individuals of those who were both, directly and indirectly impacted by war. Each individual experienced something extremely outraging, possibly making it almost impossible to believe. The war devastated this generation’s faith in traditional values such as love, bravery, manhood, and womanhood. Without these values, the generation of 1920s found their existence aimless, meaningless, and unfulfilling. (Shmoop) It is this generation that Hemingway portrays in The Sun Also Rises. A group that consisted of poets and writers were formed and known as the “Lost generation.” The group name was made by Gertrude Stein. The name of the group was made after over hearing a garage owner saying those words to an employee. This group name was later used as the epigraph …show more content…

This is important because the book is based on real experiences and people, with Hemingway basing the character of Jake on himself. Using a first person narrator helps the reader to see everything and everyone through Jake's eyes and helps understand his character better. However, it also limits the reader’s point of views as it does not entirely show the true feelings of other characters. It only allows the readers to see them through Jake’s point. Hemmingway also uses many metaphors in the text, so when reading the book it seems really plain and straight forward but there is another meaning to it. An example of this is Jake’s wound. I found this as one of the most important metaphors used in the book. The wound that Jake has breaks the relation he could have had with Brett due to the fact they cannot have sex and satisfy eithers sexual pleasures. The wound that Jake has is a metaphor for the emotional horror from World War 1 that he