
The Theme Of Adversity In Horace's Character In The Book 'Alive'

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In a quotation by Horace, a Roman poet, he says, “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.” Horace’s assertion that adversity develops character and brings out talents is correct because the pressure of the situation forces out the development of character and hidden skills. In the book, Alive by Piers Paul Read, this is shown by characters Nando Parrado, Alvaro Mangino, and Roberto Canessa. In the beginning of the story Nando Parrado was known to be the shy and awkward kid who’d only speak to his best friend. Due to adversity which was, the plane crashing and the lost of his best friend this all changed. He was forced to talk to the other survivors over a period of
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