The Theme Of Brotherhood In Memories Of An Elite Navy Seal Sniper

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In Memories Of an Elite Navy Seal Sniper, the theme Brotherhood and Morality is developed constantly throughout the story. Theme is used by the Author Howard E. Wasdin to allow the reader to relate to the characters and their struggles. Morality is a major theme used by Howard. Howard develops this theme to distinguish between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.Another example he uses is brotherhood. There is a lot of brotherhood through the story to show how the seals and military interact with each other. To begin with the theme brotherhood is used in different ways in the story. In This case kinship and fellowship is developed as brotherhood. For example one evening when Howard was out on a rooftop and a nasty smell he recognized from earlier kept coming back. Later on Howard found out a fourteen year old boy had stepped on a landmine at school and his left foot was missing, it got completely blown off. The infection in the boy's leg caused his leg to stink up. The infection stank so badly his family made him sleep on the porch. Howard demonstrated brotherhood …show more content…

Morality is the distinguishment between right or wrong or good and bad behavior. Morality is developed in the story by showing how the characters react in certain situations. For example Morality was developed when Howard heard the boy next door with his leg blown off groaning like he was dying from so much pain, he decided to do what was right. Howard knew how it was like to be a child in pain. He went to the boys house with a SIGINT Medic to treat the boy by scrubbing the dead tissue out of the wounds with betadine and giving him intravenous antibiotics, bandaging his wounds, and injecting both his butt cheeks to stop the infection. This example of morality was to demonstrate to the readers on how Howard showed kinship and chose to do the right thing which was to help the boy, instead of taking no as the