The Theme Of Hate In To Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee

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Everyone has experienced some type of hate in their lives. The Holocaust is one of the biggest and most racially motivated events in history. Hitler, the leader of the holocaust, took it upon himself to try and gather as many people from the Nazi party together to end the Jewish ethnicity. Millions were killed and left without families and friends. Hitler influenced how many people acted and who jewish people live today. Hitler believed that the Germans lost World War 1 because of Jews. The Nazi Regime targeted Jews and even other groups such as Romanis, gays, and disabled individuals. In the text How did the holocaust happen, it states,“Several types of enemies were specifically named by Hitler to be targeted: middle and high ranking communists, Jews in service of party or government and other ‘extremist’ elements”( How did the Holocaust happen, 2). Hitler targeted many groups of people and blamed others for his losses. He took out his anger on peers and never seeked help for himself. There may have been little to no sources of help back then, but talking to someone could have prevented this from happening. Book character Atticus Finch in the story “To Kill a Mockingbird” states, “Some people have more opportunity because they’re born with it, some men make …show more content…

Some children are left without grandpas and grandmas, and others may be left with parents who grew up with mothers and fathers who had PTSD. Sydney Page states in the Article, A baby was taken from her family at birth, now they are reunited , “Rapaport was sent to several concentration camps during the war, and she watched as her immediate family perished in a gas chamber” (Page 1). This shows in depth detail of what Jewish people and their family members had to go through. Seeing a family member going into a chamber and knowing that they will never come out would be one of/ if not the hardest thing a human could ever go