The Theme Of Night In Elie Wiesel's Night

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What is the holocaust? What did the narrator mean when he wrote “Night”? When I first think of night like the opposite of day, the first thing I think of is darkness. When everything is dark, your feelings change; almost to the point of despair and being alone. The dark. When the writer uses night as the title it shows what the book is based on, the feelings of despair during the holocaust. The feelings of despair and pain. After reading the book all of those aspects of the word “night” stand out. At the begging of the book the Jews are made to wear a gold star. At first the Jews don’t think about it, but soon the Jews with the stars are getting pulled out of their houses and are being forced into concentration camps. The star was a sign for the Nazis to take, a sign of pain. Ellie never realized this until the end of the book. If he had known what the star really meant to the Nazis he would have not worn it. He would have been saved from all of the pain and suffering. …show more content…

When his father said he wasn’t going to run Ellie decided to stay with him and get taken. They were escorted to the train, and were made to board it forcefully. The train was full of people going to these camps, the Jews were made to look after each other until they got to the camp. On the train a lady starts screaming and yelling “fire,” the men on the train start getting annoyed with her and start yelling at her to be quite. When she doesn’t the mean beat her till they nock her out. The train is a symbol of change. They all got on as a group most people knew each other, but by the end and everyone got off they had turned. They fought and hurt each other just for a chance of survival. The train was like a switch. The people inside had to flip a switch from being civil people to turning into rabid animals, just to survive the